DNS Security Best Practices: A Quick Guide 
Cyber Security, DNS Filtering

DNS Security Best Practices: A Quick Guide  On-premises traditional DNS Servers or ISP provided DNS Servers cannot analyze and prevent or filter resolution of domains server based on Command & Control except blacklisted ones in web filtering. The hackers use HTTP or HTTPS protocol for resolving the DNS for their spying .Or Alternately they can […]

EDR Protection against Malware
Cyber Security, EDR, ransomware

 EDR Endpoint Detection and Response against Malware is based on a unique Protection System. To Analyze EDR , you must have a basic idea, of what does the Malware/ Virus/ Threat does when it reaches the EndPoints: Possibilities are : 1-It May Initiate some processes unwantedly , and on an abnormally high scale. 2- It […]

DNS Security Best Practices: A Quick Guide
DNS Filtering

DNS Security Best Practices: A Quick Guide  On-premises traditional DNS Servers or ISP provided DNS Servers cannot analyze and prevent or filter resolution of domains server based on Command & Control except blacklisted ones in web filtering. The hackers use HTTP or HTTPS protocol for resolving the DNS for their spying .Or Alternately they can […]

Cyber Threat Entry Layers
Cyber Security

Cybersecurity is a high-priority critical issue for businesses, and one that must be taken seriously. Cybersecurity threats include malware, spying, and data theft, and they can come from anywhere, including cyber criminals and nation-states. One of the most common ways that cybersecurity threats can enter a business is through the internet. Cybercriminals can use malware […]

Ransomware: Prevention is better than Cure
Cyber Security, ransomware

Ransomware Remedy Once Ransomware encrypts your data , the only best cure is Decryption tools, and that can cost you a lot, depending on the tool you select and the volume of data encrypted. EDR saves the day Using a good quality EDR solution can save you from this hassle. While choosing an Antivirus for […]

What is Brute Force Attack?
Brute Force Attack

A brute force attack utilizes experimentation to figure login data, encryption keys, or observe a secret site page. Programmers work through all potential mixes wanting to figure accurately. These attacks are finished by ‘savage power’ meaning they utilize exorbitant intense endeavors to attempt to ‘compel’ their direction into your private account(s). This is an old […]

Logs Analysis
Log Analysis

Log Analysis is the method involved with looking into, deciphering and comprehend PC created records called logs. Logs are created by a scope of programmable advances, including organizing gadgets, working frameworks, applications, and then some. A log comprises of a progression of messages in time-grouping that portray exercises happening inside a framework. Log documents might […]

Cyber Security
Cyber Security

Cyber Security is the act of shielding PCs, servers, cell phones, electronic frameworks, organizations, and information from pernicious assaults. It’s otherwise called data innovation security or electronic data security. The term applies in an assortment of settings, from business to portable processing, and can be separated into a couple of normal classes.   · Network […]


Ransomware represents a danger to you and your gadget, yet what makes this type of malware so exceptional? “Recover” lets you know all that you want to be familiar with this nuisance. Ransomware is coercion programming that can lock your Computer System and afterward request a payment for its delivery. As a rule, ransomware disease […]

What is Penetration Testing
Penetration Testing

Penetration testing, likewise called Pentest, is a network protection process that assists you with remaining in front of programmers. In a pentest, moral programmer tracks down security weaknesses in your application, organization, or framework, and assists you with fixing them before assailants hear about these issues and take advantage of them. This makes Pentesting a […]


March 2025
